Ginkgo Biloba, Robbie’s Twist Ginkgo biloba “Robbie’s Twist”

This new and exciting hybrid ginkgo has many of the characteristics of the native species such as lacy leaves, medium-green color and a dense upright habit. Robbie’s Twist, however, is also called “Contorted Ginkgo” and lives up to that name in its unique growth habits: The branches arch and curve and irregularly branch and twist from the main trunk.

The catkins are yellow in the spring and the fall fruit is yellow in color providing a stunning contrast to the soft brown branching. The trunk and branches on this hybrid are covered with soft fuzz which gives a soft, gray sheen to the wood. The plant is valid across USDA zones 4a to 10b; can be grown in full sun, part sun, or part shade. It tolerates pollution and adverse conditions, but flourishes with regular moisture in a well-drained site.

At maturity, the tree is 8 feet tall and half as wide, but it is a slow-growing specimen so do not expect rapid growth or mature size for a decade. It can be an asset in a large container and is a prize for any collector! The distinctive twisted growth of Robbie’s Twist is truly a sight to behold!
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