Apium graveolens

Classified by some sources as biennial or perennial. Member of the parsley family. Both the leaves and the fleshy stalk are used. Used both raw and cooked; both as a vegetable and as an herb. Adds crunch to salads; adds flavor to soups and stews. Seeds (actually fruits) are ground up and mixed with salt to make Celery Salt. Plant requires ample water, cool growing conditions. Long growing season (120-140 days). Start seedlings indoors in separate containers; plant outdoors after last frost. 

NOTE: Although this is not easily grown in central Texas, we’re nursing these plants along through the winter for an early spring planting and bountiful early summer harvest. There’s not much that can match freshly picked celery as the weather is warming and you're grazing in the garden! Celery doesn’t enjoy being out in full sun on a hot day, but if companion planted with taller veggies to provide shade it can hold out until ready for harvest.
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